This song is in HEAVY rotation pretty much anywhere you listen, and in my personal queue.
This song is the $#!+, that's it.
One of my FAVORITE performances from one of my FAVORITE artists.
This song has been STUCK in my head for some time now - I LOVE IT!
I always have enjoyed it, but lately this song has really met me where I'm at in terms of what my ears have been lending themselves to ...
Personally, The System is underrated, but not by my mom! Shout out to her for introducing this band to me!
“We are trying
To say thank you
Through the message of
All the songs that
We’re giving you
All love
Is our music
Take this love we have
As a sign of our gratitude
We wanna thank y’all
Gift of love
And your faith in us
Your gift of love”
Art (in this case, music) is a gift that keeps on giving, in many respects.
An artist's talent is often referred to as their "gift". Artists create something that they give to their audience. In the case of music, the audience gives a listen, and it goes on from there ...
My music and this blog are my "gifts of love". I hope you receive them with that intention.
"Gift of Love" is featured on Kool & the Gang's 8th studio album, "Open Sesame".
When I first saw this performance, there were things from a musically technical standpoint that got to me; HOWEVER ...
With art, sometimes you have to nix technicality! The process of creation, and the execution of performance are about the FEELING! Childish Gambino has got the feeling!
I wasn't there for the 70s, so I can't say what they felt like, but I think Gambino would have been well received with the energy he's giving here.
"Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach" - Gorillaz ft. Snoop Dogg
This song reminded me how sick vocoders are! I have yet to use a vocoder in my music, but KNOW it's on the "To Do" list!
“Everything is cool when love is all brand new
’Cause you’re learning me and I’m learning you”
Not sure how to keep a conversation going with someone you just met? Take some notes from Musiq -- how's that for a double entendre?
"Newness" is the opening track from Musiq's second LP, "Juslisen".
In the spirit of starting this blog, I've got some musings in mind around themes like ...
First musing, is in the title of this post - a lyric from Gavin Degraw's first single ("Follow Through") from his first album, "Chariot".
I've loved this song since I first heard it! It has played a significant and symbolic role in my life, helping set the tone for new relationships. Check out the music video below!
Well, that's the truth according to Pablo Picasso ... I can't say that I totally agree; however, I think it can relate back to a sentiment I felt when I was inspired to OFFICIALLY create this music blog. Yes, "officially"!
I am a proud "music nerd", and have been encouraged over the years to create a blog to share what I know in the realm of music. Shout out to those motivators; I hope you enjoy! This is for you, and me.
To be clear, I do not support or cosign "stealing", BUT as an artist, I CONSTANTLY need to be fueled with inspiration. This blog will be a hub for musical creations that make me proud and excited to do what I do. Since a lot of what I enjoy flies under the radar, I hope to open up readers to artists and creations they might not have known about before.
So when you read right below the blog title, "Source material for good and great artists", know that is me totally being facetious. This is a place where someone who looks to be inspired shares her findings.
Songs, lyrics, album covers, music videos, interviews, live performances, and things of that nature ...
If you find yourself wanting to "copy" or "steal", give credit where it's due.
Please & Thank you.
Alright, now ... Onward with the scheduled programming!